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Thursday, September 19, 2013

Boardwalk Empire - "Resignation"

by Lee Padrick, September 19, 2013

WARNING - This review contains spoilers!

Richard Harrow has lost his desire to kill!

Our favorite disfigured psychopath has developed Dexter-like feelings.  We find out from his visit with his pregnant sister that their father died last April, and it appears Sis is in danger of losing the family homestead.  Also, the folks he killed last week from the Old Mission Title Insurance company were targets identified by a Harrow acquaintance, and Richard was hired to dispatch them.  But Richard, who throughout the show's history has always appeared to long for a normal family life, is having difficulty with killing.  First, he can't put the suffering family dog down, and then he can't take care of his target after finding out the man has a family.  What a difference a week makes!  But we all know that he will likely be drawn back into the assassination game before this season concludes.  His character development will be fun to watch.

Eddie wants some R-E-S-P-E-C-T!  He's being passive-aggressive at first, then demands that Nucky either accept his resignation or give him a "promotion."  The scene where Nuck asks Eddie his opinion in front of the Mayor is priceless!  Nucky extorts a cut of the Mayor's new construction project with the assistance of Eddie's soliloquy and by the end of the episode, Eddie has been given a more active role in the financial dealings of the Nuckster's racket.  He's even going to get a safe deposit box in his own name.  I don't think that bodes well for him, but we'll watch to see how that plays out.

Agent Knox is undercover for a young J. Edgar Hoover!  Nice twist from the writers, especially considering this is only the second episode of the season.  We should have known that the "simpleton" persona was just an act.  But there's more going on with Knox than his undercover work.  Last episode, he set Sawicki up when Van Alden's old partner walked into a booby trap.  I like the way Knox has been introduced and developed so far, and the addition of Hoover will give the show some new creative avenues to pursue.

Speaking of simpletons, we get our first look at Van Alden, presently in the employ of O'Bannion.  He is loaned to Capone and is part of the goon squad that shows up at a mayoral candidate's campaign rally.  Sadly, Van Alden appears to be the only thug that gets bloodied, as the campaign event crashers take bats, pipes, and fists to the candidate's supporters.  Gotta love democracy in the 1920's.  And Van Alden's wife is still spunky and doting.  I can't figure out where Van Alden's story is going; he was much more ominous early in the series, now he just serves as comic relief.  Let's hope his character gets a more prominent role as the season progresses.  

Lastly, we get an introduction to Dr. Valentine Narcisse, played by veteran character actor Jeffrey Wright.  Dr. Narcisse is a Marcus Garvey accolate, and to quote the great Slim Pickens:

"You use your tongue prettier than a $20 whore."

Likely this season's antagonist (we'll see), the voluble Narcisse approaches Chalky about the killing of Dickie, who was Narcisse's employee.  And he has the missing Mrs. Dickie with him!  Chalky feels inferior around the literate and educated Narcisse, and acts out when Narcisse asks for Dunn, in retaliation for Dickie.  Nucky intervenes and gives Narcisse a 10% cut of the Onyx Club, much to the chagrin of Chalky.  Then Narcisse eliminates Mrs. Dickie after her usefulness is exhausted.  And where does he dispose of the body?  Why, the Mayor's construction site, of course.

This season is shaping up nicely, and I'm looking forward to how Narcisse will mix with the main characters.  Plus, we're going on a vacation to Florida with the Nuckster soon, so Boardwalk's world will expand.  So far, so good.

Random Thoughts:

- Gaston Means gets a cameo!

- No Margaret so far, we'll have to see if she's still a player.

- Who is the mystery man that kills Harrow's target at the end?

What did you think?


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