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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Dexter - "Monkey In A Box"

by Lee Padrick, September 17, 2013

WARNING - This review contains spoilers

Well, we finally got the answer to the question that's been on our minds since this show started.  And the answer is:

No, Ghost Harry won't be going to Argentina.

Really?!?  The penultimate episode of a once-great show, and we get THAT??  Somebody needs to put this show on a table and drive a knife through its heart.  I'm confident it meets The Code.

So we're treated to the aftermath of Vogel's death and everyone at Miami Metro is taking it pretty hard.  Her relationship with everyone must have been much closer than we thought.  The Homicide Division didn't get that upset when Doakes and Mike Anderson were killed.  Maybe they can honor Vogel with a streetlight to illuminate the LaGuerta bench?

Dexter is packed up and ready to ship out to Argentina, but that rascally Oliver Saxon is still out there, so OF COURSE our hero has to take care of Saxon himself.  Because Dex, and the viewers, were so emotionally invested in Vogel and Cassie.  We demand a revenge killing!  C'mon, its not like Saxon killed Batista, Masuka, or even Matthews.  Dude, get on a plane and enjoy your extradition-free future!

How about that ending?  Dex has Saxon on Saxon's table (nice touch!) and decided to turn him over to Miami Metro instead of giving his victim a demonstration of what his Ginsus can do.  So Debra gets to make the bust and take credit for bringing down the evil building inspector and homicidal mastermind that is Oliver Saxon.  Except the soon-to-die Marshal Clayton channels the ghost of Stan Liddy and follows Deb to the abandoned hospital, finds Saxon strapped to the table, and releases him.  Because the U.S. Marshal Service doesn't communicate at all with local law enforcement or watch the news.  So Clayton lets Saxon go, only to get shanked in the chest.  And Deb gets shot in a shootout with the now-armed Saxon.  That's our cliffhanger.      

Elway raided Nash Bridge's closet this week and dropped by Deb's house for a visit and a look around.  After his faux-apology and a good look under the sofa, Deb throws him out and moves Hannah to a motel out by the airport.  Because there's no way that motel clerks watch the same local news station as the receptionist at the Urgent Care.

I did like the "Batista sends Dexter off" scene.  Angel hasn't been given much to do this season, so it was good to see him get a touching scene with our favorite psychopath who now cries.  And Matthews got to say his goodbyes to Dex, so I'm not feeling as confident now that Matthews has known the truth all along.  Also, the Quinn-Dex exchange was nice, as the two old foes buried the hatchet patched things up.  I still think that Quinn's going to somehow figure into the end game, but I'm not sure how.

There was more WTF-ery going on, but I can't make myself care anymore.  Didn't even get to mention Sylvia Prado as the real estate agent.  

Lastly, Hurricane Laura is coming.  (Here in North Carolina, the state park dumped a lot of dead Christmas trees just offshore, and a winter storm pushed them ashore.  Wonder what will wash ashore in Miami after Laura passes?)

Random Thoughts:

- I'm so jealous of Dexter.  He must have a T1 line in his house, AND his Macbook is always on and charged up.

- When Dex had Saxon on the table and said, "I don't even want to be here," I said out loud, "I know what you mean, brother."

- As soon as Deb found the engagement ring in Quinn's desk, I thought to myself, "Deb's gonna die tonight."

- Since Dexter is "new and improved," he should have offered to refund the earnest money for the offer Saxon made on the apartment before attempting to kill him.  

- Hannah hasn't mentioned that her "Dark Passenger" is gone.  Dex may want to have a heart-to-heart with her before the expected nuptials.  "Sorry we had a fight this morning, honey.  I made dinner."

What did you think?


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