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Monday, November 11, 2013

Boardwalk Empire - "Marriage and Hunting" Review

by Lee Padrick, November 8, 2013
Boardwalk Empire S4E9

WARNING:  This review contains spoilers.

The return of Nelson Van Alden!

Lots of stuff happens during this episode of Boardwalk Empire, fairly important stuff to the season's story arc.  But everything shades in comparison to the return of Nelson Van Alden (Michael Shannon).

Let's get the lesser stuff out of the way first.  Gillian (Gretchen Mol) has cleaned up and she is baring her soul to Roy Powers (Ron Livingston).  Except for the her-and-Jimmy icky "relationship."  But the dapper Piggly Wiggly executive seems to have some nefarious scheme of his own.  Nucky is running around being the Nuckster, trying to head off the inevitable showdown between Chalky and Narcisse, both of whom want the other dead. Rothstein's bankroll is low, and he has hatched a plan to cash in on a $500,000 life insurance policy on Mickey Doyle (Paul Sparks).  The Nuckster buys the policy for $100,000, hopefully keeping Doyle around for the foreseeable future.  Because Paul Sparks has been a highlight of this great fourth season of Boardwalk Empire.

 Richard Harrow (Jack Huston) is married!  He and Julia tied the knot at the justice-of-the-peace's office.  They also could have acquired a hunting license (the titular reference), but they declined.  You know something big happened when an episode's review is not centered on Harrow's marriage.  This is a big moment for Harrow.  But he is overshadowed by Mr. Nelson Van Alden.

For the past two seasons, lots of folks have wondered what the writers had in store for Van Alden, easily one of two (Richard Harrow being the other) of the show's most interesting characters.  And Van Alden has been on the run with Sigrid since he killed his partner when he was a Prohibition Agent.  The show has since placed him geographically near Al Capone, and he has slowly worked his way into Capone's organization via O'Bannion.  

During the "Previously On" teasers, the guy who teased George Mueller at the iron salesman job (and got a demonstration of product for his efforts) shows up.  And the writers had something good in store for him.  Capone threatens Van Alden (still George Mueller, at this point) and Van Alden calmly tells Capone that he will take out O'Bannion for him.  Calmly tells him, with a gun to his head.  Then later, when Van Alden is ready to strike against O'Bannion, the iron guy and a couple of friends show up at an inopportune time to beat Van Alden up.  The strapped Van Alden tells Iron Guy and friends, in his best Bruce Banner voice, "Don't make me angry, you won't like me when I'm angry."  The clueless interlopers do not take heed of his warning, and each get a bullet in the head for their efforts.  Then O'Bannion hassles Mueller, and Mueller transforms into Nelson Van Alden, former Prohibition Agent, murderer, handyman, flower delivery guy, and bill collector.  And some other skills he can put on his LinkedIn account.  Before Van Alden can put a bullet in O'Bannion's head, three guys walk in and do it for him.  So the wise Van Alden takes all the cash out of the flower shop's register, and goes home for some sexy time with Sigrid.

This episode was by far the best of the season.  I'm looking forward to where the last few episodes of the season go, particularly on the Harrow and Van Alden fronts. 

Random Thoughts:

- One can only dream that Van Alden and Harrow start an assassin business together.

- Nucky and Sally engage in some interstate sexy talk.

- Eli's deal with Agent Knox/Tolliver will prove interesting over the next few episodes.

What did you think?


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