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Friday, September 20, 2013

The Bridge - "Take The Ride, Pay The Toll"

by Lee Padrick, September 20, 2013

WARNING - This review contains spoilers

Our favorite teen slasher show wrapped up its story arc.  

I never thought I would write this, but Ray Ray was the best part of the hour.  Ray drags Tim's putrid body through the tunnel and finds more dead bodies.  He picks up a gold-plated gun (WTF?) and has a shootout with a guy.  After killing the guy, Ray decides to make it look as if Tim shot the guy.  This may be the first spark of intelligence we've seen from the pride of Tampa.  But that spark is extinguished when Ray decides to take a package he finds with a cartel logo on it.  I wouldn't have done that, Ray.

The rest of the show is devoted to Tate.  You know, the evil ominpresent genius that threatens to blow up The Bridge of the Americas if he doesn't get $1,000,000.  Or was that Dr. Evil from Austin Powers?  Tate drives Marco to the border line on the bridge, stops in traffic, and shows off his Semtex vest.  Then he pulls Frye out of the trunk and tells Marco that he will tell him where Gus is if Marco shoots Frye.  So we endure an overly long scene of Marco alternatively pointing his gun at Frye, and yelling "Where is my son?" and "I can't do this."  Pretty powerful stuff.  If you've been subjected to watching SpongeBob reruns all day.  Otherwise, its a big bag of not so much.

Sonya somehow divines that Gus is enduring water torture by following the pipes through the uncle's house.  And she finds the Gus-ter, but he's departed this mortal veil.  So she finds out about the bridge standoff, and rushes to the scene.  Just in time to stop Marco from shooting Tate.  Because Dr. EvilTate's plan was suicide-by-cop.

How does she stop Marco?  Why, shooting him in the leg, of course.  And while she's at it, she caps Tate in the leg also.  But she's too late to help Frye, because Marco had given his gun to Tate after he decided he couldn't shoot Frye.  So Tate did.  And Frye fell off the bridge (a long fall, by the way).  A bullet wound, a long fall, and I'm thinking Matthew Lillard's guest starring role is over.  But no, Adriana visits the hospital and Frye is alive!  Except he has internal injuries and a traumatic brain injury (maybe he can become a source of ACN on The Newsroom?).

So Tate gets arrested and he's flashing us the evil maniacal grin as Hank slaps the cuffs on him.  Why he's smiling, I dunno.  And Marco throws Sonya out of his hospital room because he's mad at her about something.  And he has a touching scene with his dead son in the hospital morgue.

If you find that you are confused after reading this, all I can say is "Me too."

Two episodes to go and we've wrapped up the Tate arc.  So let's get back to Fausto and Linder, because their stories interest me.

Random Thoughts:

- For a cop, Marco doesn't handle his gun very well.

- How the hell did Tate get through the border checkpoint?  Surely there's a BOLO or some type of alert about him by now?

- Hank Wade works so well with Sonya.  When he kneels in front of her and tells her to go see Marco, I see that he understands how best to interact with her.

- When Marco throws Sonya out of his hospital room, was I the only one that immediately thought of Michael Bolton's "How Can We Be Lovers (If We Can't Be Friends)?"

What did you think?


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